• “What would I have done if I existed in that time?”

    We are gonna talk about the hell that we are currently experiencing. For decades, some countries have begged the world to see their pain and for decade we have been seeing it from the corner of our eyes. As a pacific islander, the issues going on in West Papua had been brought to my attention…

  • Masc vs Femme

    Masc vs Femme

    Writing my feelings of gender: masc vs femme. Can I be only one? Why do I feel tired from it? What will I do with it from now on?

  • Let Anger Talk

    If I yell at you how I feel , would you listen? Anger. An emotion that is always feared due to its ability manifest itself into violence. From a scream, to a broken vase, to even war, anger has always been the unmediated emotion that is the most clear when expressed, but how often do…

  • Joyland: Is this the Cycle of Womanhood?

    Joyland: Is this the Cycle of Womanhood?

    Joyland- a great movie that provided a nuanced perspective of womanhood inclusive of the trans narrative.

  • I Pray

    Sometimes its hard to want the best for yourself, but it is time you demand it for you are deserving of it.